Things [ Hand Made ]


My chance to wonder about hand made things and tell the world about those I make, love and cherish!

Tuesday 20 January 2009

Fairy nuff

I have a thing about fairies. Well I don't collect them but I have always been fond of them. I was the sort of child (and still the sort of adult) that wanted to believe in fairies. I really enjoy myths and fanciful legends and so would love the imagery around fairies, angels and all manner of fairy folk. I could really be interested in them in a big way but something just holds me back. ( I could ask for answers on a post card but I am not sure the replies would be good!)

Here are a couple of fairies that are in my life. The first in red is one from Crafting Christmas Gifts by Tone Finnanger. She is just the right size and fits beautifully in my hand. I have put more stuffing in than I usually do and its made a difference. I borrowed this book from the library. (It didn't actually come in till after Christmas) My local library is great at ordering books for me and with this one I couldn't remember the name or the title and so just had to ask for a book maybe by the author of Sew Pretty something or other and she has a very foreign sounding name. The librarian was a star and found what I meant.

Anyway, my second angel is one that has been in my life much longer. She is my mums Christmas tree angel. She was bought from Woolworth's and 1969 ( is that right Mum?) and has been on the top of the tree every year. Now as children we were told that the fairy sneaked Santa if you had been good or not so we were careful not to cross this little lady. I always adored her and she became my ideal fairy. Well over the year she started to look a little tatty and with several makeovers her lurex boob tube was starting to look very disreputable and that is not something you can have with a fairy! Mum asked me to redress her and I have loved doing it. She is now dressed in a scarp of my wedding dress fabric, some old lace and pearl wings. She has a new box to live in and looks rather lovely even if I do say so myself! There is no edginess to her, she is no work of modern art just a pretty little fairy.

Fairy nuff.


pillarboxred said...

No amount of edginess or artistic aspirations can compete with family tradition or nostalgia. It shouldn't be any other way.

Beki said...

What do you mean WANTED to believe, do you mean you don't!
I was a true believer of fairies at the bottom of the garden as a child and still like the idea of believing now.
One of my favourite films is 'Fairytale'.
Take care
Beki xxx

Anonymous said...

I love your sew pretty christmas fairy, I looked at the fabulous photo's and thats as far as I got!

Shabby Chick said...

I love what you've done with the tree fairy, it's so lovely when there's a bit of history with something, so much more precious.

Your library sounds good, most of the books in ours seem to be from the 70's!

Mel xxx