I had a lovely day last week. I will try and tell you why.
I live in a lovely part of the country, fields, sheep, small market towns. hearing the M5 when the window is open...
.....anyway sometimes I read the blogs of terribly sophisticated bloggers who just nip to London for exhibitions and there is a little pang but the other day reminded me that the grass is green on this side of the fence.
It all started like this...picture the scene all going a bit misty and wavy like on films... No photos but lots of links for you
J was doing a 10km run in a local town and it has a lovely estate park with an avenue of chestnuts. I suggested that we all go along.
We started the day buying trainers.. not exciting yet, I know ... served by someone I used to teach. The The children and I started up to the avenue of chestnuts but first passed this shop.
Ok kids I said... its a quick in and out and no touching...spotted a piece of wire work by..Helena Sharpley..
wow, now I understand why people find it hard to explain...thats defianetly on my christmas list!

.....then as we walked round the back of the building a small exhibition space,
ok kids I promise, last time just 2 minutes in here and no touching.....

straight into the work of Bailey Curtis. Amazing felt work based on the Dymock Poets. I love her use of big chunky stitches. The lines of the landscape.
Then it was finally off to the estate to find conkers. I cannot tell you how lovely this avenue of chestnut trees are. Just imagine a long line of trees with a private road down the middle just the right size for the carriage of a Jane Austin heroine to dash away on. Anyway so I had remembered to take a penknife and string to string up the conkers and we had a lovely hour sitting amongst the trees with conkers falling all around us,waiting for J to finish his race, shower and join us. Very earth mother.....
Then quick pic-nic followed by cream cake in Waitrose.
Then you might think that the day was done but no, we wandered back into town and went passed the Brewery Arts again and I suggested I could just peep into the main exhibition on my own while j waited outside with the kids. I had no idea what the exhibition was of but its always worth a visit and this time it was exceptions. It was an exhibition by Cleo Mussi It is called Pharma's market. She currently also has an exhibition in Cheltenham which had been on my list to see but I didn't know about this one. She produces the most amazing mosaics, big chunky and full of fun. She doesn't break the ceramics but nibbles and nibbles them with the nippers until she has the right shapes. Just great to see. I went straight back to fetch everyone in to see it.
Nearly at the end.... on the way back to the car we popped into the Corinuim museum to see a textile exhibition, the only one I expected to see, by some of the members of the Brunel Broidrers including by Liz Harding who was my tutor at college. I like her work as I have heard her talk about how she works and what she is trying to do. I also like the collagey work of Linda Babb but I have to admit that by this point I had seen so much that I didn't spend as long as I probably should have done.... that and I had pushed the kids to the end and they were playing up!
Now if anyone is still reading this.... i would love to get down to the Knit and Stitch Show at Ally Pally and the only coach trip I can find is on the sunday, which is no good to me. Is anyone from the south midlands/ north of the south west going on saturday with a spare car seat?
You had a great day out! Us Londoners have to forrage in the parks along with thousands of others for conkers. I did have it on good authority that they ward off moths, so am going to try! Do hope you get to Ally Pally too.
Ooh I love Helaina Sharpley's work!
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