Things [ Hand Made ]


My chance to wonder about hand made things and tell the world about those I make, love and cherish!

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

The Open West exhibition

It's not work avoidance
I had meant to tell you about this exhibition
look I have been working
Deadline is next week

 The Open West exhibition was held at Goucester Cathedral
Sorry but it has finished.
I was supposed to tell you a couple of weeks ago but life got in the way

A though provoking exhibition in an amazing building.
I mananged to see it child free with my other half so we had chnacve to chat/dicsuss/critisce without 3 little voices piping in their own thoughts
I am not asgainst children voicing their own opinions but sometimes it nice to just be us.

Some of the highlights for me
If you are avoiding work
.. and you know who you are then wander through and have a look.
Photos taken form the brochure
This last one being my favourite by far. Small intricate embroideries using all kinds of found objects. Exquisite.
see, I am working, I added a few more pins.

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