Things [ Hand Made ]


My chance to wonder about hand made things and tell the world about those I make, love and cherish!

Friday, 1 June 2012

Reasons to be cheerful...

My life is mostly one of contentment.
I have my ups which are lovely and my downs are not but mostly they are small and brief.
Lots of people post about the things that bring them contentment in their lives. This is that sort of post only I find I get ridiculously excited about quite small things.
You know, when you feel the need to tell everyone and when you do they look at you in that odd way....
The things that make you smile when you think about them when walking down the street, then you realise you are grinning form ear to ear and people are backing away....

No, just me then

 Today I am ridiculously excited about.....

 ......the quality of work in my silk paining class seven year old wanting to sew something
...some gooseberries growing on the gooseberry bush

all this and its a 4 day weekend!
My cup just overflows.


red2white said...

Lovely, I can feel your joy. Have a nice weekend.

Gina said...

I get very excited by the little things too!

Iz said...

It's not just you! Enjoy the weekend, and your goosegogs.