Things [ Hand Made ]


My chance to wonder about hand made things and tell the world about those I make, love and cherish!

Monday 15 September 2008

The Robot Swap.

Catching up a bit now on things that happened but too busy to blog about.

I took part in Clares Robot swap. I really like Clares work in felt and she ended up being my swapsie partner. I love swaps because a parcel arrives and it doesn't contain a credit card slip!
I had a 4 year old companion while I opened it so not the coolest of pictures as we were desperate to open it!

My 2 year old loves this card and it brightens my day each time I look at it.

Hmmmmm...that's a funny shape...

Fantastic, we have the technology to build him.......note the 4yr old in the background now getting very impatient!

My robot has the coolest spare parts to swap and change. All the kids loved him as soon as they saw him and I had to make it clear that this is my robot. The favourite game is making him dance till his head falls off!

.....and here is a tiny little picture of my robot who somehow became a monkey robot.

Thanks for all your kind messages about my sale. The sale and the comments mean a lot to me.


angharad handmade said...

The robots are fantastic! I'm sure you must have all had a lot of fun playing with yours!

Claire said...

That really does sound like a fun game! I did give him a obble before he got posted to make sure that he wasn't top heavy and wouldn't fall over! :)
