Things [ Hand Made ]


My chance to wonder about hand made things and tell the world about those I make, love and cherish!

Tuesday 25 May 2010

when I grow up....

As we were cycling home there was an interesting conversation.

5 year old When I grow and be a farmer I am going to have a flock of 10 sheep and you can use the wool mummy to make all the jumpers and blankets the children will need.

I said I would love to use the wool form his sheep. (He decided very young to be a farmer.)

The 3 year old said when I grow up I want to be your sheep dog

5 year old.. you cant be a sheep dog, you are a girl

3 year old but I want to be a sheep dog

I said you can be my sheep dog

3 year old nooo I don't want to be your sheep dog.

I said maybe you can be the 10 year olds sheep dog.

3year old said hmmmm ok

5 year old changes his mind and says she can be his sheep dog

3 year old asks what will you do when you get bigger Mummy?

I reply that before I had children I was a teacher just like at school

5 year old replies ignoring my answer about being a teacher when Mummy grows up she want to be an artist

I reply it would be good

5 year old tells me you would have to go to art school if I wanted to be an artist. That's what Pedalo Picasso did and we've been learning all about him in school.

so at least that's all sorted out.


Paula Ozier said...

Pedalo Picasso, God love them!

Amanda Makes said...

What a relief! I was wondering about that? xxxxx

Ampersand Commodities said...

HAHAHAHA! this was really funny before the pedalo part!

Anonymous said...

children are so wonderfully funny! My grandmother used to write down my aunt and mother priceless moments, added much hilarity to family get togethers.

French Knots said...

How sweet! Now they've sorted out your life could they advise me too, what should I do when I grow up?!