Things [ Hand Made ]


My chance to wonder about hand made things and tell the world about those I make, love and cherish!

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

A winter clear out

 I have spent much of the week clearing and sorting. I do not have a craft/sewing room of my own
Its not a sob story just a practical reality and I know its no different to many others
but j and I have a room we laughingly call The Study.
No, I am not sure why...we don't really sit in there and Study.
Mostly it's the room to put things out of children's way and somewhere to work at a computer if needed.
The room is plenty big enough but often ends up in a mess
 January isn't really about starting anything new for me
I don't have the energy but it is a good time to take stock.
which is why I emptied ALL my craft books/supplies and general might be useful for something junk out and sorted it.
yes, there was a lot,
yes,  it took a long time,
no, I didn't just give up half way through and walk off but I was very tempted.

Now I have a lovely neat room but piles of things that need to go elsewhere... shop...etc
In an attempt to get this last bit of the job done a little quicker I am going to list all the books here.
Maybe you could have a glance through and if you see something you fancy just email me and you can have it for the price of posting and packaging.
 Constance Howard book of Stitches.

Glorafilla- The Venice Collection ( 25 Tapestry projects)

Arts and Crafts of South America by Lucy Davies and Mo Fini.

Living out loud by Keri Smith

Colour Perception by Tim Armstrong

Stroud International Textiles festival booklet 2009. (Profiles of Artists etc)

Art of the Stitch. Embroiderers Guild Exhibition Catalogue

Beyond the Round by Freda Robinson. A pamphlet about braiding

Goldwork. A small book on technique.

Fashions and Fashion plates 1800-1900 ( a small old book that has nice prints in it.) 

 Quilt Art 20 a exhibition catalogue.

Hardanger Embroidery by Sigrid Bright 

The Embroiderers Workbook by Jan Messent

A Passion for Patchwork by Lise Bergene -- a project book.
 You never know there might be something you fancy
...and then it can be junk at your house rather than mine....
No.. No, I meant it can be a useful book that you have always wanted!


Janet Clare said...

I'd love the Keri Smith book if I could, please.

moss stitch said...

There was a few I thought' ooh' then realised I have them!
You should put them on Amazon to sell, some are worth as much as what you paid for them!
Time consuming but worth a bit of pocket money.