This is another in my long line of projects to be finished.
I started it while reading the wonderful book Wildwood by Roger Deakin. I cant tell you how much I love this book. I am not a big reader but usually have a book on the go.
In some ways I wish I had never read this book and then I could experience the joy of the first read again. I have not read any of his other books but one day I intend to.
Another project never finished reminds me of someone I went to collage with. She was a drama studnet and enjoyed writing letters.
hmm....... another thing that make me feel like I am getting on in life ( only 4 days till 40)
I was at college in a pre email age and what old fashioned things we were, we would write to our friends at home.
Letters were always welcome and enjoyed, enthusiaism would be high to write back, then life got in the way or an envelope needed or money for a stamp or a trip out to the letter box and my friend would remark that it was a nother letter never sent.
She fancied it for the name of her autobiography.
I wonder where she is now.
I like it as a melancholy phrase but it also seems sad that such little hurdles can stop life from moving on.
I try not to live my life like that.
I am determined not to add it to the pile of another project never finished.
I read the book and wanted to make my interpretaion of the seasonal change in trees.
It has no deep meaning just some pitcure of trees in my onw way..
well I say my own way but I am influendced by another inporatant book in my life Rosies Walk.
I love children illustartive books and ofetn fancy iterpreting the style into an embroidery. in fact now I link to the book I think I must have taken one of the trees from the front cover!
I worked hapily on spring, summer and winter but stumbled on auatmn.
My first attempt failed because I got the scale wrong.
Is this normal on a work in series?...3 completed with no problem but all the difficulties come on the 4th.
.. a work on the seasons cant reallly ignore autumn because it was diffcult to do.
I discovered the project this year and I am determined it shall be finished.
This time around I could picture autumn and have completed it
However now that I have seen it as a picture I see that it needs some nuts or fruits to the tree.
Small brown beads maybe?
Now I need to build it into something.
maybe a wall hanging?
or maybe it will be another turn of the seasons before I see what is needed for this one.speaking of letters never sent.. some people are expecting a parcel from me.. they are wrapped and waiting for me to go past a post office...another of life's little hurdles slowing things down.
mmm, but maybe the 'wrong scale' could be just right, three seasons in scale, one out of scale. There are sometimes more seasons out of scale in our years and lives....c'est la vie
I really love these felt embroideries, they're beautiful!
I love your trees, just beautiful! I too remember letter writing and the funny postcards I used to send to my Grandparents and friends. I still do send postcards - I love post when its not a bill!
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