Things [ Hand Made ]


My chance to wonder about hand made things and tell the world about those I make, love and cherish!

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Teaching this week....simple bookbinding

Well, not exactly teaching it this week,

Still half term so catching up on things.

In between spending time with the kids

V. Long list.

A few weeks ago I taught a group some simple bookbinding and a couple of people were not able to make it to the group that day so I have just sorted out some samples for them.

If you are a member of that group that endured.....hmmm I mean...were shown a careful explanation of Coptic binding then this is the instructions I suggested you find.



Cate said...

I was signed up for a bookbinding course a few weeks ago, but it got cancelled due to a lack of interest, i was a so disappointed, so it was lovely to see this pop up in my blog feed and to follow the link and find out a little more. Thank you for sharing!

Cate, x

Gill said...

Where are you teaching this Joanna?? I'd love to learn!!

angharad handmade said...

Bookbinding - what fun! The samples look beautiful.