Things [ Hand Made ]


My chance to wonder about hand made things and tell the world about those I make, love and cherish!

Tuesday, 11 March 2008

What would you do with this fabric?

Had a fantastic day with Angie at Ledbury.

I have nearly finished the next story box but I am not happy with it. I decided that I have been looking at it for too long and I need a break from it. For me the best way to have a break is to sit and make something and be productive. This helps to cure the creative tension I get literally across my shoulders.

The picture is of a piece of printing we did, breakdown printing I think, last time we arranged some silk screens with objects and dye and left it to dry. This time we used Manutex to "loosen" the dye and print with. I rarely do big and bold and so this is very big for me and very bold. I am really happy with it as a piece of fabric. Today I overprinted it with some more dye using one of those lovely wooden Indian stamps you can get. I don't know what I am going to do next with it, maybe cut up and applique it as large flowers onto something?... any suggestions.

I spent the afternoon with the proofs of her book ( I know, how lucky is that?) following a project for an Indian shrine. Its a mixed media project and I will show you more when it is finished.

It made me wonder if the problem with my box is that I need to throw even more decoration at it. My skills are very much craft based and hand sewing so I am going to spend some time experimenting with some mixed media techniques to see if I can find some more ways to ehance these boxes. I know that I really want to do these boxes but its getting them to look how I want them too.


Bev and Ollie "O" said...

wow it is really beautiful!

How big is it? Could you stretch it over a canvas? Would look lovely on a plain white wall.

red2white said...

This IS very pretty fabric!!! Yes, I wouldn't cut it. I would either stretch it or make a quilt and embellish it further, like adding stitching following a pattern which is already there.
It's beautiful, so what techniques did you use? Monika

Florence Knapp (Flossie Teacakes) said...

I love the fabric - and like you, I thought of applique flower petals. Look forward to seeing what you make with it. x