Things [ Hand Made ]


My chance to wonder about hand made things and tell the world about those I make, love and cherish!

Wednesday 8 December 2010

Inspired by Sally Mavor

Its nice to be able to focus on making things for Christmas and I always like to make something for each of my children each year. I must admit that sometimes they pay very little regard to what I have made them but that doesn't deter me. I still keep adding little handmade things to their lives.

Recently the 4 year old and the 6 year old have taken to playing mostly with the handmade cuddles and softies which has warmed my heart greatly. This year I have decided to make some little people to fit inside a large matchbox.

I was inspired Sally Mavors work. She is an illustrator and make and makes beautiful little characters for books. I would love to see her work in reality. I am hoping Santa brings me her book Wee Felt Folk but in the mean time I spend a lot of time looking at her photos. She has a website, a blog here and an interview here.My figure started as a bright green pipe cleaner and slowly I tamed it into a person. I will let you know how I get on.

The 10 year old was watching me make it. We discussed what we were doing and he wanted to have a go. He made this cool superhero doll.

and when he has finished playing with it, I am going to have it.


Hannah said...

They are soo cute- I followed the link and love her little fairies, especially the pictures (on card) of them in the fields and grass. They were lovely.

I am looking forward to seeing yours!


Ruth said...

Keep adding those handmade things to your children's lives. I have a few of the many things my mother made for me & treasure them!