Things [ Hand Made ]


My chance to wonder about hand made things and tell the world about those I make, love and cherish!

Monday 22 April 2013

Wrapped bangles

 Today I am indulging a bit of colour therapy.
Wrapping and binding bangles for the recycled jewellery course I am teaching. I start another group on recyled jewellery next month. Its funny how it goes, last summer everyone wanted mosaic- this year its jewellery!

A decent photo?
yes, it's for the poster for the next group.
Occasionally I can be bothered to set it all up to take a proper photo but mostly I just snap what I am doing with the ipad.
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Iz said...

LOVE these! How do you you take such good well-lit photos? Do you have a lightbox or somesuch?

Angie: said...

Lovely bangles! Lush colours! xxx